Costa Rica Wildlife: Where to See These 19 Animals in the Wild

If there is one place on Earth you should travel for an eco-experience, it's Costa Rica.

No matterwhich place you visit in Costa Rica, the wildlife and nature is accessible and unparalleled, even after all these years of being known astheworld’s favorite eco destination.

When it comes to wildlife in Costa Rica, in the jungles or at the beach, you'll see tons of monkeys, sea turtles, the ever-present coatimundi (raccoon), humpback whales off the coast, colorful Scarlet Macaws in the almond trees along the Pacific coast andsouthern Osa peninsula, feathered friends of all kinds, and if you're lucky — you might even spot a puma or margay on the trail.

另一方面,大量的野生动物往往是the smaller variety such as snakes, poisonous frogs, spiders, andother creepy things.

Some are harmless and interesting to see up close, like stick bugs which look like small tree twigs until you see them move!

And theGreen Hooded Mantiswhich is so wild and other-worldly with a super-wide coat of green armor.

但一些昆虫和动物没有无害的李ke the brown and black scorpion, which will let you have it with a nasty sting if you step on one or forget to shake out your clothes and shoes in the morning before you put them on.

NOTE: If you’re allergic to insect stings, don’t forget to bring your Epi-pen!


Costa Rica Wildlife

It's been about ten years since our first trip to Costa Rica and we loved it so much we've made many trips since then to different parts of the country.

Our most recent was our second trip toDrake Bay, a part of the Osa peninsula we hadn’t explored much before.

We've made new friends, seen so many magnificent sunrises and sunsets fromCosta Rica’s Caribbean coastto the Pacific, and eaten more than our share of casados and gallo pinto.

But the reason we went to Costa Rica in the first place — and why we will always return — is the natural world, the wildlife Costa Rica is famous for.

Let me share a littlenatural inspirationwith you.

These are just a few pics of the wildlife you'll see, hear, photograph, and experience in Costa Rica. Not in a zoo nor in a rescue sanctuary, but in the wild, along your hiking path, and maybe — if you're lucky — right outside your cabina.

Bring along a good camera, pack a long lens (or rent one) and check out these critters you'll cross paths with.

They'll entertain and delight you, fascinate and frighten you, but I guarantee you one thing — you'll come home a changed person for the experience of having seen them in the wild.

Are you ready? Here we go!

19 Animals in Costa Rica To Look For

1. Coatimundi (Coati)

Coatimundishave the same curious nature as their raccoon cousin, with a longer snout, and adorable long tail. They're everywhere in Costa Rica and will usually get out of your way pretty quickly, so have your camera ready.

We had a family of coatis living under our cabina inDrake Bay— they were noisy sometimes, but harmless.

WHERE to See Coatis in Costa Rica?

Like raccoons, coatis are foragers and you'll find them pretty much everywhere in Costa Rica on the prowl.

The coatimundi, the raccoon of Costa Rica

2. Toucans and Aracaris

You'll see colorful toucans and aracaris of all colors and sizes in Costa Rica:Emerald Toucanets,Collared Aracari,Fiery-billed Aracari,Yellow-eared Toucanet,大多数人都熟悉的Keel-billed Toucanand theChestnut Mandibled Toucan(below).

WHERE to See Toucans and Aracaris in Costa Rica?

Look for them around the fruit trees in La Selva and Monteverde, Carara National Park, the Caribbean coast from Tortuguero down to Puerto Viejo, along the Pacific coast and especially in the Osa Peninsula. They love the dense canopy!

>>> WHERE TO STAY in Monteverde? <<<

  • The Hotel Belmaris eco-chic luxe in the jungle — the best of refined and rustic (we’re talking swinging beds and killer views!)

    Check out more details and availability.

  • For comfy accommodations under $100/nt in the heart of Santa Elena, theMonteverde Country Lodgeis our pick for great value. And so close to the cloud forest!

    Check availability and rates.

Chestnut Mandibled Toucan

Chestnut Mandibled Toucan

3. Hummingbirds

Colorful hummingbirds are also all around Costa Rica, and make for hours and hours of fun watching them during certain times of the day. Trying to snap a clear pic may take a bit longer.

WHERE to See Hummingbirds in Costa Rica?

Pretty much everywhere there are brightly colored flowers. Look for red, orange, and purple flowers near water. We saw so many hummingbirds near La Fortuna and Monteverde!

Hummingbirds are everywhere in Costa Rica

Hummingbirds are everywhere in Costa Rica

4. Crocodiles

The American Crocodiles in Costa Rica are absolutely a must-see!! Massive in size, some of them grow upwards of 25-30 feet in length!

WHERE to See Crocodiles in Costa Rica?

For a truly unforgettable sight, stop at the bridge over theRio Tarcoleson the Pacific coast on your way to Jaco or Manuel Antonio.

You'll see these ginormouscrocodilessunning themselves on the river banks below.

Your driver will no doubt stop for you to see them, or if you're driving, park your car alongside the road before the bridge.

There’s also a small restaurant here where you can grab a tasty bite.

If you want to get even closer, there are now Crocodile Tours where locals take you down to the water and tout their "strength" and "expertise" by attempting to feed these giant animals.Don’t Do It!

We don't recommend these tours, unless you're into witnessing potential candidates for this year's Darwin Award. These Costa Rica animals are far too huge and unpredictable to go out in a boat near them.

>>> WHERE TO STAY near Rio Tarcoles? <<<

There’s not too much to explore on your own near the River, so base yourself in nearbyJaco,Playa Hermosa, or further down inManuel Antonio.

  • InJaco,Los Sueños Marriott Resort & Marinawas one of the first luxury resorts in the area (+$200), and is still among the best. The pools alone are amazing!

    Check rates and more details here.

  • If you’re after moderate but comfortable digs, head south a few miles from Jaco to the surfing town ofPlaya Hermosa. It’s more laid-back and theHotel Bosque del Mar Playa Hermosais one of our favorite places to stay in CR!

    Check rates and availability.

Crocodiles at Rio Tarcoles

Crocodiles at Rio Tarcoles

5. White-faced Capuchin Monkeys

Remember Marcel, Ross's monkey onFriends? He was a handsome and friendlywhite-faced Capuchin.

WHERE to See White-faced Capuchin Monkeys in Costa Rica?

Capuchins are common along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, and many can be seen along the nature trails in Manuel Antonio National Park, feeding on clams from the ocean, one of their favorite foods.

Don't get too close though (like I did), or they'll show you their canines as a threat display (like this), which is never a good thing!

>>> WHERE TO STAY in Manuel Antonio?

When it comes to lodging in Manuel Antonio, you can stay on the hill or be down at the beach. Both offer unique experiences, and it depends on what you want to explore — the town or the beach and Manuel Antonio National Park.

  • TheMillenium Manuel Antoniois simple and casual with a great location — steps to the beach and the entrance to the National Park.

    Check rates and availability here.

  • Hotel Villas Nicolas(Adults only) boutique-style hotel has to be our top pick for location to both the beach, the National Park, and the town. Love their pool!

    Check availability and more details.

I got a little too close with my camera.

I got a little too close with my camera.

6. Basilisco (aka The Jesus Christ Lizard)

TheBasilisco— the Jesus Christ lizard — gets its biblical nickname by literally walking (or running) on water, and to see one in action is a real treat, and supposedly good luck :-)

WHERE to See Basiliscos in Costa Rica?

Look for them in wooded and jungle areas throughout the country where they can blend into their surroundings.

The Jesus Christ lizard, known as the Basilisco, walks on water

The Jesus Christ lizard, known as the Basilisco, walks on water

7. Spider Monkeys

One of the most common monkeys you'll see throughout Costa Rica,Spider monkeysare highly social and very intelligent.

Read about how we helpedrescue and reunite two spider monkeysfrom captivity - it was then I learned firsthand what social creatures they really are.

Spider monkeys are super acrobatic in the trees overhead.

Monkeys in Costa Ricacan be noisy and very vocal, especially spider monkeys. When danger is near or other monkey species are around and threatening, they let out an eerie warning scream.

WHERE to See Spider Monkeys in Costa Rica?

Look for them near coastal forests, especially the west coast and Osa Peninsula.

>>> WHERE TO STAY on the Osa Peninsula

  • Lapa Rios Lodgeis the kind of luxury eco-lodge Costa Rica is known for. Yup, it’s pricey. But it’s on a 1000-acre private nature reserve near Corcovado National Park on the Osa Peninsula — one of the most pristine rainforest jungles in the world.

    If you want to immerse yourself in it while still enjoying a bit of luxury, this is the place.

    Check rates and availability here.

Spider monkey and her baby

Spider monkey and her baby

8. Scarlet Macaws

Between poaching for the illegal pet trade and loss of habitat from deforestation,Scarlet Macawsare an endangered species in Costa Rica, with only about 1,500 remaining on the Pacific coast of the country.

Chances are you'll see the beautiful and colorful birds flying in pairs overhead at least once during your visit.

WHERE to See Scarlet Macaws in Costa Rica?

找到一个自己f海滩杏树和公园or the afternoon if you want to see them up close. I sat for hours on a Matapalo beach on the Osa peninsula and watched a pair engage in the most amazing mating dance.

It's a lovely thing to see when you're on a deserted beach in Costa Rica :-)

Scarlet Macaws love almonds from the tree

Scarlet Macaws love almonds from the tree

9. Halloween Moon Crabs

You'll find these colorfulHalloween Moon crabsin sandy areas throughout Costa Rica curiously checking you out until you get too close.

Then they'll disappear down their deep holes in the sand as quickly as they emerged. Capuchin monkeys love eating them as a snack.

Unfortunately, they've also become a new "designer pet" for some humans to keep in aquarium captivity which usually ends badly for the crab.

They require very deep burrows and specific wet, sandy conditions in order to thrive.

WHERE to See Halloween Moon Crabs in Costa Rica?

Beaches and sandy coastal areas throughout Costa Rica.

Good thing I looked before putting on my shoes!

Good thing I looked before putting on my shoes!

10. Squirrel Monkeys (Mono Titi)

Squirrel monkeys, or Mono Titi, are the smallest monkey in all of Costa Rica and can be found chittering and shrieking high up in the canopy above your head.

WHERE to See Squirrel Monkeys in Costa Rica?

You'll find plenty of them in and around Manuel Antonio on the country's Pacific coast, where the town's slogan is "Still More Monkeys Than People".

The small, narrow wooden "walkways" over main roads encourage the Mono Titis to cross there rather than on power lines to avoid being electrocuted.

>>> WHERE TO STAY? A Great Hotel Choice in Manuel Antonio <<<

  • Hotel Si Como Nois one of the top-rated casual hotels in Manuel Antonio for good reason. What other hotel offers a cinema, spa, hot tub and 2 outdoor pools with a waterslides and a swim-up baranda butterfly garden? It’s a gem!

    Check rates and availability here.

The squirrel monkey, also known as the Mono Titi

The squirrel monkey, also known as the Mono Titi

11. Two Toed Sloth

The more homely of the two common sloths found in Costa Rica, theTwo Toed Slothis no less adorable to see in their natural environment. They sleep a lot and move oh-so-slowly.

WHERE to See Sloths in Costa Rica?

You'll often see "Sloth Crossing" signs on main roads, so keep an eye out for them stretched out on their bellies and crossing the road at a snail's pace.

If you find one in the middle of the road, get out and escort them as they slowly make their way to the other side.

If traffic is heavy, you can pick them up carefully (use your jacket or other material so you don’t over-handle them and disturb the natural protective algae on their waxy coat) then gently place them on the nearest tree or safe ground.

Two toed sloths in Costa Rica are every bit as slow as three-toed sloths

Two toed sloths in Costa Rica are every bit as slow as three-toed sloths

12. Howler Monkeys

If you've followed our travels for a while, you know we absolutely adorehowler monkeys(theTravlinmadlogo is a howler monkey holding a camera)!

Howlers can be found in the wild all over Costa Rica.

Not only are they fun to watch, and interesting to hear (be prepared to be awakened as the morning sky begins to pale), the babies are also fun to play with and hold in a rescue setting.

WHERE to See Howler Monkeys in Costa Rica?

Throughout the high canopies of Costa Rica's jungles. If you make it to the Caribbean coast, stop in theJaguar Rescue Centerin Puerto Viejo, where you can interact with baby howlers in the Monkey House.

They'll climb up one side of you and down the other, grabbing whatever gets in their way - earrings, jewelry, bandanas and hats.

And when they're done, they'll fall asleep in your arms, all musky-smelling and warm, their soft fingers and foot pads holding you tight and pressed up against you. Heaven!

>>> WHERE TO STAY in Puerto Viejo <<<

Banana Azulis one of our favorite places (Adults only) — away from town near quiet Playa Negra, but still close to everything. Their food is so good too, you just might end up staying here for dinner, and breakfast, and lunch.

Readour review here, thencheck availability and ratesfor your stay.

计划去捷豹在Pue救援中心rto Viejo? If you’re keen to stay on site of the Jaguar Rescue Center, theJaguar Inn & Bungalowsare the perfect choice — a rustic and comfortable jungle experience!

Check more details and availability here.

This howler monkey is all that!

13. Iguanas

Locals in Costa Rica call them "bush- or tree-chickens" since many people still enjoy them on the menu.

Green iguanasare commonly seen munching on tree leaves, but if they're not moving around and feeding, you'll have to look closely to see them.

Their chameleon-like properties allow them to color-camouflage themselves against most any background.

WHERE to See Iguanas in Costa Rica?

Bushy scrub areas and lowland forest along the coast. They're cold-blooded and like the sun.

Green iguanas are sometimes called ‘bush chickens’ by locals

Green iguanas are sometimes called ‘bush chickens’ by locals

14. Spiders and other Arachnids

OK, I admit it - I've been an arachnophobe since I was a kid. But for some reason, it's different in Costa Rica, where I mostly saw spidersoutdoors.

The places we've stayed and beds we've slept in haveneverhad spiders in them since there's nothing for them to eat indoors.

On the other hand, some critters like scorpions are a different story. They like damp areas and are frequently found indoors in bathrooms (always lift the toilet seat beforehand), and in wet towels and clothing!

You'll see lots of fascinating spiders in CR, some venomous but most are not, from tarantulas burrowing in their small holes in the ground to largeGolden Orb Weaverslike this one, which are harmless.

WHERE to See Spiders in Costa Rica?Everywhere. It's Costa Rica ;-)

Orb weaver spiders are everywhere in Costa Rica, but generally harmless

Orb weaver spiders are everywhere in Costa Rica, but generally harmless

15. Three Toed Sloths

Everyone loves the masked bandit known as theThree Toed Sloth,orPerezoso. Their dark eye makeup and permanent smile make you think they're always happy to see you.

Their waxy coat is full of valuable protective algae so try not to handle them too often as it can remove some of that.

But if you see one crossing a busy road, reach out and have it grab your hand, so you can pick it up and give it a lift to the other side.

On our first trip — I think we stayed aboutten days in Costa Rica— we saw far fewer three-toed sloths than the two toed. Maybe their darker coloring make them even harder to spot than usual.

But if you do see them, observe them from a distance. Even they’re smiley, they can still get anxious.

WHERE to See Three Toed-Sloths in Costa Rica?

Three toed sloths live in humid and also dry forests in Costa Rica. They move slow on land but are amazing swimmers. Look for them sleeping in trees where they look like a nest or bundle of twine.

Three toed sloths in Costa Rica always look happy, don’t they?

Three toed sloths in Costa Rica always look happy, don’t they?

16. Caimen

Caimenare smaller kin of the crocodiles, and also known as the Spectacled Caiman orPululowhich mean short and fat in Spanish.

WHERE to See Caimen in Costa Rica?

Although caimen are generally not where you're likely to be, keep an eye out for them in more damp, swampy lowland areas like Tortuguero, Cajuita, and other rustic wetlands.

>>> WHERE TO STAY in Tortuguero? <<<

Set on a riverbank and surrounded by jungle,Tortuga Lodge & Gardensis conveniently near the airport but a world away. The views here are unbelievable!

Check rates and availability.

Caimen twins

17. Frogs, and Snakes, and Lizards, Oh My!

There's no shortage ofcreepy, crawly things in Costa Rica. All sorts of snakes, frogs, lizards, insects, and reptiles can be found.

There are several varieties ofpoisonous Dart Frogsthat you'll come across, though they're only poisonous to humans if you ingest their toxins somehow (by handling them and then licking your fingers...yuk).

Even then, the chances of you actually being poisoned are slim.

WHERE to See Them?

You'll have to hunt for the smaller critters, turning over rocks and leaves to find them, as they generally want nothing to do with you. If you do see one, don't panic.

Bring along an Epi-Pen if you use them for the rare insect sting.

But otherwise, the only contact you'll have is from a distance.

Green and black poisonous dart frog

Green and black poisonous dart frog

18. Blue Morpho Butterfly

Imagine hiking through the hot and humid rainforests of Costa Rica. Monkeys, wildlife, and the beating of your own heart are the only things interrupting the silence all around you.

Then suddenly, the most brilliant blue flits past you, teasing you to follow wherever it goes. The elusiveBlue Morpho butterflyis a sight to see in the wild.

WHERE to See Blue Morpho Butterflies in Costa Rica?

Throughout Costa Rica, near humid areas and forests. Looking for them in the cloud forest is one of thecool things to do in Monteverdeas you hike through the forest.

And finding one may be easier than photographing it — just as soon as it lands and you focus, off it goes!

Blue Morpho butterflies are so hard to photograph

Blue Morpho butterflies are so hard to photograph

19. Margay

Margays are small wild cats native to Central and South America. They are nocturnal cats and until recently, were hunted for their beautiful and distinctive spotted skins.

But that was made illegal in the 1990s. Still poaching persists.

The Margay is much small compared to the Central American Jaguar, but don’t let its cute appearance fool you into thinking their cuddly like your house cat. They are adept hunters and should never be approached in the wild.

This one (below) was relaxing at the Jaguar Rescue Center after being rehabilitated for an injury.

WHERE to see Margays in Costa Rica?

Margays live mainly in primary evergreen and deciduous forest throughout Central and South America.


Are you a nature lover? Eco traveler? Seeker of natural beauty? Photography buff? Want to know more beforetraveling to Costa Rica? Do yourself a favor and GO! If you haven't yet visited this natural place, this is your year to see it.

More Places to Stay in Costa Rica to See Wildlife

If you're looking for a rustic, yet comfortable eco lodge, Costa Rica has no shortage.

But not all of them allow as much access to the animals and local wildlife in Costa Rica as you might like.

There are so many great places to stay, but here are a few of our favorites on both coasts:

Osa Peninsula - South Pacific coast

Located on the country's south Pacific coast, this part of CR is often referred to as the most biologically diverse place on Earth.

The view from Lapa Rios Jungle Lodge on the Osa peninsula

The view from Lapa Rios Jungle Lodge on the Osa peninsula

Bosque del Cabo- We love this Costa Rica eco-lodge with beautiful accommodations for the whole family from individual cabinas to family homes.

The lodge has a sublime pool, amazing food, and over 700 surrounding acres of nature trails that lead right up to the ocean’s edge.

Lapa Riosis also great for eco-accommodations, and its proximity to nature and Corcovado National Park.

Find rates and more details.

Nicoya Peninsula - North Pacific coast

The northwest coast of CR has the same natural beauty as other parts of the country with aslightlyless soggy natural environment than the Osa Peninsula. It's hard to beat the surf town of Nosara andHarmony Hotelis a favorite!

Harmony Hotel- It's got easy access to everything you'll love about the Nicoya, like the surfing on famous Playa Guiones and yoga studios along dusty dirt roads.

Search rates and availability.

Puerto Viejo - Caribbean Coast

The Caribbean coast of Costa Rica has a distinctly different feel than other parts of this small country, particularly the southernmost town on the east coast, Puerto Viejo.

Hotel Banana Azul- Stay at thisgreat little hotelhere on beautiful Playa Negra - it's close to beautiful nature and Cajuita National Park just up the road.

Check rates and availability.

Have you been to Costa Rica and seen the amazing Costa Rica wildlife? Which was your favorite?